ABOUT Claude Monet Water Lilies is the project done for the museum of the "Orangerie" in Paris where it was available from Mid 2018 and until Mars 2019 and part of Arte series of virtual reality painting experiences. It is about the story of Monet and George Clemenceau, what [...]
LeSound by AudioGaming
Couchard_Thomas2019-09-15T11:48:28+02:00ABOUT Le Sound is a brand of procedural audio plugins created by Novelab. They exist for all of the main DAWs and are starting to be available for Fmod and Wwise. As a sound designer I did some Pure Data patches prototyping which where then used to create some [...]
Couchard_Thomas2019-09-15T02:59:21+02:00ABOUT Unrest is a project about the life of Jennifer Brea who contracted chronic fatigue syndrome which leaves her bound to her bed during the worst part of it. The goal of the experience is to help the player understand the illness as well as trying to give a [...]
Couchard_Thomas2019-09-15T13:30:57+02:00ABOUT Umami is a project about the last meal of a prisoner on deathrow in Japan. It is an original and fictional story. Is it a mixed project at it uses VR as well as a real life installation which is used to tell other parts of the story [...]
Couchard_Thomas2019-11-02T15:34:43+02:00ABOUT Malfosse is a linear thriller that can be followed on multiple medias. I was part of the team tasked with the audiobook part of the project for Audible. The audiobook will feature 13 episodes for the most part between 20 and 30 minutes long. They've all been made [...]
Notes On Blindness
Couchard_Thomas2019-09-15T02:58:02+02:00ABOUT Notes On Blindness is a project about the life of John Hull who recorded his experience about going blind on cassettes (which are used in the experience). There is a short film as well as a feature film on top of this application which was done with a [...]